AHHCA Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct
The AHHCA aims to ensure ensure best practice standards and professional ethics for practitioners and education providers of holistic healing. As part of our process of continuous improvement our Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct were revised in 2023.
The AHHCA Code of Conduct is now in alignment with the National Code of Conduct for Healthcare Workers.
The National Code of Conduct for Healthcare Workers sets out recommendations for minimum standards of conduct and practice for unregistered health care workers i.e. practitioners not regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) which administers the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS). The National Code, agreed to by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council in 2015, sets out the minimum practice and ethical standards that unregistered health service providers must comply with and informs consumers what they can expect from practitioners.
In addition, the Secretary of Health has approved a notice which informs consumers how they can lodge a complaint if they have concerns about the conduct or services delivered by an unregistered health service provider. (This is in addition to any complaints lodged to the AHHCA.)
All members should provide clients with a copy of our codes as part of any intake process, and we also strongly encourage that they display the AHHCA Code of Ethics in their work space.
You can view and/or download the Codes by clicking on the links below.