Apply for AHHCA Course Accreditation
Course Accreditation Application Guide
Please use this application guide to assist you in completing your Course Accreditation Application form.
1. Name of Organisation
What is the name of your business/college?
2. Venue Address
This is the address where the course (classes) will be held. If the organisation has more than one venue, list all addresses. If the courses are by distance education, list the address of the facilitator/tutor.
3. Postal Address
This is the address that you would like us to send any correspondence to.
4. Phone Number
This is the phone number of the college (where the classes are held).
5. Website
This is the website of the college.
6. Contact Person
This is the person that you would like us to correspond with regarding matters of accreditation.
7. Contact Person’s Role
What is the contact person’s role in the organisation? Eg. Principal, teacher, administrator…
8. Email
This is the email of the contact person.
9. Phone BH & AH
This is the business hours phone and after hours phone of the contact person.
10. Mobile
This is the mobile phone of the contact person.
11. How/why was the college established?
Include significant background information of your college/business such as: The year it was established; What led to the college/business being established? Who founded the college? Have the services of the business changed from conception to now. (Eg. did it start off as a practitioner clinic or meditation classes; have the services of your business progressed from the time it was established?)
12. How/why the course was established
What prompted the course your are seeking accreditation for to be developed? Eg. the Founder’s own interest; demand from general public…
13. Is this course already being taught? If yes, provide details.
If this is an existing course, when was it established and has it changed from it’s time of conception? What has led the college to seek accreditation for this course?
14. What are the principles of your college?
It is essential that these reflect the philosophy of holistic health.
You may wish to refer to the AHHCA Vision, Mission and Statement of Purpose.
15. What is the code of ethics by which the college/organisation operates? Do you have a Grievance Policy?
You may wish to use the AHHCA Code of Ethics. If you select this option, then simply state this in your application. Please attach a copy of your Grievance Policy to this application. (Let us know if you want help developing your Grievance Policy, as we can provide a template.)
16. Name of Course
Including whether it is a certificate or Diploma. Eg. Certificate in Diet and Nutrition
17. Aims and outcomes of course in detail in point form.
Aims: What are the objectives expected to be achieved (what the course aims to do).
Learning Outcomes: Competencies and skills to be obtained by students (what the students will achieve).
18. Name of main presenter, AHHCA membership number and college membership number
This is the person that will teach the bulk of the course. All principal presenters must be full members of the AHHCA. If this is the first course your are accrediting, then a college membership number will be assigned to you pending success of your application.
19. Contact details of the main presenter
Include address, phone numbers and email.
20. The overall management and staffing structure of the course
a) The Principal/Director of the college/organisation
b) All teaching personnel involved with this course (Include what modalities/units each presenter teaches and for how long)
c) Individual formal qualifications (for modalities taught), academic transcripts including hours of study per qualification and AHHCA Membership numbers for the principal and all teaching personnel.
d) Experience in teaching for principal staff (years, where etc.)
e) Copies of Certificate IV in Training & Assessment (formerly known as Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training) for all teaching personnel. N.B. All teachers must have their Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.
Please note principals and course conveners are required to maintain individual membership with AHHCA to maintain accreditation.
All other facilitators and guest speakers are expected to be members of a professional association in their field and may only teach 5% of the course.
22. Topics Covered
This section must provide enough detail to explain the degree and depth of the course. For each of the modalities within your course:
a) Begin with an introductory paragraph of the modality. Include an explanation of how this modality addresses or incorporates the body, mind and spirit.
b) List in detailed point form the course content for this modality. Including the modality name, the units within the modality and the subjects covered in each unit. You may include a sub list or a paragraph to explain the content of each subject. Include an explanation of how each module addresses or incorporates the body, mind and spirit.
Energy Healing (Modality)
The Chakras (Unit)
7 Main Chakras (Subjects within the unit)
– Location on the body
– Colour
– Physical/Spiritual/Mental associations
– Minor Chakras
– Chakra balancing
23. List any compulsory texts used within the course
For each text, include the title, the author and ISBN number.
24. Are there any pre-requisites for the modalities or the course?
Do students have to complete another modality or course before beginning this one?
25. Methods used for delivery of course content
How will the units/topics be taught? Course content must be delivered using a combination of theory and experiential activities that addresses the varying learning needs of students. In this question, you must demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the learning process by indicating the type of activities you will use to cater for each of the adult learning styles – kinaesthetic, visual and auditory.
26. Methods of assessment
Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering information in order to determine if the student is learning and how they are progressing.
a) Verify the methods of assessment that will be used throughout the course.
b) How (and how often) will students receive constructive feedback from the presenter/s?
c) How will students record their practice time? (Log book, journal etc.)
d) What proportion of the ongoing assessments will go towards the student’s final grade/result upon graduation?
27. Methods of evaluation
Evaluation is a process in which the presenter evaluates student learning and their results in relation to set criteria. (Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at improving student learning. Evaluation is grading what the student has actually learned.)
a) What methods will be used for student evaluation? (eg. tests, essays, case studies)
b) What methods will be used to assess and evaluate the course and presenter/s?
28. Grading System
a) What grading system will be used for assessment and evaluation?
A, B, C, D,F
Poor, Average, Good, Very good, Excellent
Pass, Credit, Distinction, High distinction
Pass, Fail,
b) What criteria will be used to determine each grade level? (Eg. how will you determine whether the student receives an A or B?)
29. Student Records
How will the college record the assessments and standards achieved by each student?
30. Time allocations for each modality
How many tuition and study/clinical practise hours are allocated per modality? Tuition hours are those spent in a class/learning environment with the presence of a teacher/facilitator. Study and clinical practise hours are those spent outside of contact time (eg. research, assignment work, essays, log books, reading, case studies, self development, self reflection, practical activities).
31. Mode of attendance
a) What will be the mode of attendance for this course? The AHHCA currently accredits the following options for attendance:
- Full time
- Part time
- Evening
- Block
- Internal
- External
- Distance learning
b) What is the proportion of attendance required for successful completion of course and what are the arrangements made for catch up of missed classes?
32. Course Duration
What is the total course duration (including school holidays, exams and case studies/clinical practise hours)?
33. Course criteria for graduation
What are the course criteria that students must meet in order to graduate and receive their qualification?
34. Presentation Certificate and Transcript
a) Please provide a copy of the certificate/diploma presented to students upon graduation.
Certificates/Diplomas must include the following:
- Name of college
- Name of student
- Title of diploma/certificate
- Date and year of presentation of certificate
- Course details, modules completed, number of hours
- Principal/Director signature
- AHHCA Accreditation notice (eg. This course is accredited by the AHHCA)
b) Please provide a copy of the transcript (statement of results) presented to students upon graduation. Transcripts to include:
- Name and address of college
- Name of Course
- Name and address of student
- Date of presentation of transcript
- Year each modality was completed
- Grade/Result of each modality
- Principal/Director signature
- A grading legend at the back of the document if required
Accreditation Application Fees
Application fees to AHHCA to be paid on application.
(For three-year period – please contact the administrator for pro-rata amounts)
Course Accreditation from Jan 2019 – Dec 2021
New Diploma $ 350.00 (for 3 years)
Individual Certificates may be granted for single completed modules within the Diploma Course.
These certificates must meet the eligibility criteria as per the definition of a Certificate for AHHCA accreditation.
Course renewal $ 175.00 (for 3 years)
New Certificate course $ 200.00 (for 3 years)
Certificate renewals $ 100.00 (for 3 years)
N.B. Pro rata rates apply to all Course Applications.
Course Applications must:
- Satisfy all criteria as set out in this application.
- Be completed in full to be considered.
This application must be completed using the Course Accreditation Guide above for assistance. The Course Accreditation Guide provides compulsory detailed information that is not included in the application questions.
Course Accreditation Criteria
- A Diploma course must be a minimum of 500 hours consisting of 250 tutorial and 250 study and clinical practise.
- A Certificate course must be a minimum of 100 hours consisting of 50 hours tutorial and 50 hours study and clinical practise.
Tutorial hours are those conducted in a classroom or training environment and include theory and experiential activities. Study and clinical practise hours is homework set for students to be conducted outside of the classroom.
For distance learning courses, tutorial hours are those involved in reading and conducting non assessment activities. Study and clinical practise hours are those involved in completing assessment activities, case study hours and revision.
- Courses must encompass and clearly demonstrate their relation to holistic healing of the body, mind and spirit.
- To accredit a modality, it must first be included in the Modality list.
- New modalities may be considered upon application or apply to have a new modality accredited here.
- All courses must adhere to copyright rules and considerations.